SEO Magic: 7 Ways for New Clients to Find Your Integrative Health Practice

You may have aspirations to draw patients to your integrative or functional medicine clinic from across the country, and attract an international following but, for most practices, being ‘discovered’ by and serving the local community is goal one. Whether yours is an established practice, or you are relatively new on the scene, it’s critical to take ‘ownership’ of your local market. And for that, you need to make it easy

Disruptive Functional Medicine Innovation Drives Value-Based Future at Cleveland Clinic

Christensen, one of the nation’s leading authorities on disruptive innovation in business, wrote those words at a time after the early forces of healthcare disruption had started coalescing, around 2000. He would not have recognized them at that time because they were not dependent upon the technological advances he often cites as the basis for successful disruption. Rather they were, and remain, disruptive in how patients can be most beneficially

Institution-Based Integrative Medicine: Current Economic Challenges and Opportunities

I recently heard from the clinical director of a major academic integrative medicine program based in a large, progressive institution. His program is one of the originals with a steady following of patients. But the program had a problem: it was losing money. It’s the typical story of 90-minute comprehensive new-patient consults, and extensive follow-ups; appointments that require time to hear a patient’s story and explore root causes, as opposed

Let Others Sing Your Praises… So You Don’t Have To

Craft all the fancy copywriting and tight messaging you like. It’s helpful. Create elegant brochures highlighting your professional credentials, and illustrating your products and services. Polish your professional positioning and image. People like to engage with those they feel they can trust. You can even scream from rooftops about how great you, your team, and your products are. Purchased print and radio advertising will do that. And though it might