

The Evolution of Integrative Medicine Law and what the Future Portends

Attorney Michael H. Cohen, a thought leader in healthcare law, has a special affinity for and significant legal expertise in the field of integrative medicine. In his lecture (see video below) at Harvard Medical School 13 years ago, Cohen discussed the historical regulatory evolution of integrative practice, risk management strategies and key issues confronting providers at that time. I recently caught up with Cohen to get a current perspective on

Social Media: Opportunity or Risk for Growing Integrative Medicine Practices?

Today more integrative medicine professionals than ever are using social media sites like LinkedIn for peer-to-peer connections that span the globe and allow for the sharing of ideas. Facebook has over 2 billion monthly users. Twitter has over 300 million monthly users. While it’s hard to ignore this explosive growth, many integrative medicine clinics have not jumped on the social media train to engage current and prospective patients (customers). The

The Role of Philanthropy in the Evolution of Integrative Medicine

Over time philanthropy has contributed greatly to the maturation of integrative medicine/oncology clinical programs. This is especially true within the academic medical center setting, and has had a profound effect on the growing consumer base of integrative medical services and natural products–an industry now estimated at over $50 billion annually. Philanthropic leaders with a passion for integrative care have helped give these services a formal presence in some 50 of

How to maximize readership of your blog content

Once your new blog strategy is up and running, you are on your way to creating interesting, relevant content around your center’s (brand’s) integrative medicine mission. Creating great content is an important start, but now you’re ready for your content to be read more widely. Essential Reading Brody Dorland wrote an excellent post for the Content Marketing Institute called 12 Things to Do After You’ve Written a New Blog Post.

Creating a Sustainable Blog Strategy for Your Integrative Center

In my last post I discussed why it’s so important for providers of integrative medicine services to create a smart, sustainable blog strategy. Surprisingly, the majority of integrative centers today do not maintain a blog. And those who do rarely have a proper, long term plan to maintain and develop a body of useful, “owned” content. Or they once had a blog—the idea sounded good at the time, posts were

Why your blog strategy is so important

Each week FON studies a number of websites for clients of various types and sizes that provide integrative medicine services. We focus on four primary areas: design, functionality, messaging and content strategy. Over the next few weeks I will be blogging about content strategy, starting with a tight focus on why it’s so important for clinics and centers of all sizes and types to employ and sustain a viable blog,

Why You Should Attend This Year’s Society for Integrative Oncology Conference

If your center provides conventional or integrative oncology care with medical oncologists on staff, or otherwise offers supportive cancer care services across a spectrum of interventions–i.e., nutritional support, exercise physiology, mindfulness-based stress reduction techniques, acupuncture and psychosocial counseling–you should attend at the Eighth International Conference of the Society for Integrative Oncology (SIO), November 10-12, 2011 at the InterContinental Hotel and Conference Center in Cleveland, Ohio. This year’s CME event is

A Patient’s Perspective on the Atlantic’s “The Triumph of New Age Medicine”

My course with cancer included a six-year clinical remission, made possible by the evidence-based, integrative oncology protocol I follow today. This clinical (not pathological) remission followed an acute event with a coombs positive hemolytic anemia, night sweats and a low-grade fever that persisted for weeks. Western diagnostics, including genetic and molecular labs and assays are incredibly accurate and continue to evolve. Every medical system has limitations; when it comes to

5 Reasons Why Content is King for Growing Integrative Medicine Services

Does your center have a content creation and distribution strategy? Consumers interested in a patient-centered approach to their healthcare spend a lot of time learning about preventive medicine and general wellness. When they or a family member face a health challenge, they are quick to consult the Web for their health information needs. So when it comes to evidence-based integrative medicine, your center or clinic has a valuable opportunity to