

5 Legal Issues Integrative Health Practitioners Need to Know for 2015

With 2015 right around the corner, here are 5 legal and regulatory issues that integrative health practitioners need to know. 1. No Defined Legal Category Integrative medicine remains outside the bounds of a professional category defined by law—unlike, say, “physical therapy” or “psychology.” This means that the rest of healthcare law has to be borrowed, modified, or adapted to fit integrative health. For example, integrative medicine physicians must mitigate the

Dwindling Skeptics and Rise of Integrative Health and Medicine

With the field’s steady ascent we’ve witnessed a continual decline in its nonbelievers. As a 25-year cancer patient who implemented a successful integrative oncology regimen soon after diagnosis, I have witnessed—up close and personal—the inexorable march and development of integrative medicine. Since launching FON and joining the integrative health industry full time, I have written extensively on both the business challenges and opportunities present in the field today. Thanks to

The Absurd Economics of Nutrition and Exercise

It’s fair to say that, to a large extent, America has long fostered a culture and environment conducive to physical inactivity and nutritional-based disease. With today’s prevailing science clearly showing that teaching and practicing lifestyle medicine significantly decreases the top chronic health conditions plaguing society—i.e., diabetes, obesity, heart disease and certain cancers—moving more firmly in this healthier, logical direction would subsequently trigger a vast increase in human productivity and output,

Dietary Supplements: Harmful or Essential? Cutting Through the Unrelenting Rhetoric

What a firestorm! Ever since Dr. Paul Offit’s book, “Do you Believe in Magic: The Sense and Nonsense of Alternative Medicine” was released last summer, there’s been a burst of new negative dietary supplement study results and position papers. Editorials, featuring provocative headlines such as: Enough is Enough: Stop Wasting Money on Vitamin and Mineral Supplements and Don’t Take Your Vitamins, have been published in prominent medical journals and major

Cancer Treatment Centers of America: 800-Pound Marketing Gorilla

Since 2008 most major business sectors have evolved their business development strategies in response to profound changes in the modern marketing landscape. Curiously and with few exceptions, independent hospitals, hospital systems and large medical institutions remain firmly stuck in the 20th century. Not so for Cancer Treatment Centers of America (CTCA). In fact, not one national cancer center matches CTCA’s overall aggressive marketing prowess and sophistication. This includes the top

Dean Ornish: Unrelenting Healthcare Disruptor

No one has been a greater force than Dr. Dean Ornish in proving the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of ‘lifestyle over procedures’ for chronic disease. His seminal work, designing whole systems research models and documenting remarkable outcomes—for reversing heart disease and early stage prostate cancer—has been extraordinary. Most impressive has been Ornish’s unwavering determination and skill over three decades to effectively translate scientific findings to practical clinical program models; thereby disrupting

[Case Study] Negotiating Your Career in Integrative Health and Medicine

Managing a busy consultancy, I work on wide-ranging projects with a diverse collection of medical providers, administrators and small business owners. I always find working with mid-career physicians seeking to reposition their professional futures an especially rewarding assignment. Typically well-trained and board certified, these integrative, functional and lifestyle medicine practitioners possess ample clinical experience but often feel frustrated, trapped within conventional medical delivery models that just feel inadequate.

Grow Your ‘List’ to Grow Your Integrative Health Business

Whether you run an integrative or functional medicine practice, or market other services or products related to the field, building an email subscriber list is critical to the health of your organization. The Gold is in The List Growing your ‘list’ grows your integrative health business because no digital marketing strategy provides a higher return on investment than email marketing. It is the most direct and effective method to actively

9 Ways to Earn Your Patient’s Lifetime Value

I retract my recent post: building a subscriber list isn’t the foremost marketing tactic for growing an integrative medicine practice or brand. Unequivocally, that distinction belongs to securing customer loyalty, in turn, driving patient lifetime value. According to Wikipedia, customer lifetime value—what we’ll refer to as patient lifetime value (PLV)—predicts net profit attributed to the entire future relationship with a customer. Though extraordinarily important, it’s often overlooked by most integrative