

‘Educating’ is Most Effective Marketing Strategy for Integrative Health Providers

Medical providers, passionate about delivering health care, often cringe at the subject of marketing and advertising. After all, most didn’t invest years of education to learn about business and marketing—they studied to become healers. To most medical professionals, the concept of advertising to secure patients is anathema. Few physicians are taught the necessary business development aspects of growing a sustainable clinic or center during medical school. And getting one’s head

Behind The Decisions: The Anatomy of n of 1

It’s no secret that I have a deep passion for integrative oncology and a patient-centered, patient empowered approach to health creation. My purview is both wide and deep, on the business, political, scientific, and clinical aspects of oncology. Cancer is an incredibly delicate topic; nearly all of us are touched by its insidious reach—members of my own family have been heavily stricken by it. I have been a survivor (though

Politics and Birthing an Industry: All Rise

It comes as no surprise that many of us in the integrative health and medicine community feel somewhat anxious after the contentious, divisive, and ugly presidential election process. Since politics have always affected the speed of adoption of new policies that serve the greater good of ‘population health’, it has never been more important to remain proactive and diligent in advancing our collective goals. It’s important to realize that control

The Rise of Integrative Health and Medicine, image of book cover.

[New e-book] 120 Milestones Mark the “Rise” of Integrative Health and Medicine

FREE E-BOOK CHRONICLES THE FIELD’S CONVERGENCE IN HEALTH CREATION Silver Spring, Maryland: A confluence of multiple streams over five decades has empowered the emergence of integrative health and medicine as the coming model for health care’s future. An outline of the field’s rich history is captured for the first time in “The Rise of Integrative Health and Medicine: The Milestones—1963 to Present.” The beautifully illustrated and designed book of over

Open Letter to Joe Biden: We Need a Cancer ‘Prevention’ Moonshot

Dear Vice President Biden: Your Cancer Moonshot initiative is commendable, with its core goals to make more therapies available to more patients, while supporting improvements to prevent cancer, and detect it earlier. The core elements of the Cancer Moonshot from a research and drug discovery standpoint are sound, but the overarching framework lacks a critical keystone. Let me explain. Our continued approach to cancer as a ‘war’ is misguided. Our

Rise: Consumer Demand Drives the Future of Integrative Medicine

I haven’t been blogging much lately because I’ve been working on a powerful new e-book along with my sometimes co-conspirator, Taylor Walsh. The publication is called The Rise of Integrative Health and Medicine: The Milestones—1963 to Present. It features over 120 of the most significant accomplishments in the field during the past 50 years. ‘Rise’, as we have nicknamed the project, features a brilliant introduction by industry historian and Integrator

Telemedicine Legal Series—Conclusion: Putting it All Together

A few years ago, telemedicine and telehealth burst on the scene, immediately challenging established legal frameworks built around brick-and-mortar practices. The novelty forced healthcare practitioners and companies—and the lawyers who represent them—to work through the holes in the law, in an effort to bring new practices and products to market. Today, there exists legislative and regulatory activity on telemedicine and telehealth in almost every state. Though medicine and various healthcare

Telemedicine Legal Series—Part 7: Unlicensed Practice, Fee-Splitting, & Other Legal Hazards

While we’ve focused this series on legal issues that frequently arise in telemedicine and telehealth, there are sister legal issues involved when healthcare practitioners and healthcare tech companies get involved. These and other critical legal hazards that routinely arise include: Unlicensed Practice of Medicine Unlicensed and corporate practice of medicine issues arise in telemedicine because the company offering telemedicine services is typically organized and operated by non-medical doctors. This means

Telemedicine Legal Series—Part 6: Mobile Medical Apps

When medicine is practiced through an app installed on a mobile device, do different rules apply? How does the law regulate telemedicine via the app, and the app itself? Mobile Apps as a Telemedicine Platform In one sense, mobile apps are simply another platform for the delivery of telemedicine services. That is, instead of doctors and other healthcare providers connecting with patients via the Internet on a desktop or laptop,