The Rise of Integrative Health and Medicine, image of book cover.

[New e-book] 120 Milestones Mark the “Rise” of Integrative Health and Medicine

FREE E-BOOK CHRONICLES THE FIELD’S CONVERGENCE IN HEALTH CREATION Silver Spring, Maryland: A confluence of multiple streams over five decades has empowered the emergence of integrative health and medicine as the coming model for health care’s future. An outline of the field’s rich history is captured for the first time in “The Rise of Integrative Health and Medicine: The Milestones—1963 to Present.” The beautifully illustrated and designed book of over

Open Letter to Joe Biden: We Need a Cancer ‘Prevention’ Moonshot

Dear Vice President Biden: Your Cancer Moonshot initiative is commendable, with its core goals to make more therapies available to more patients, while supporting improvements to prevent cancer, and detect it earlier. The core elements of the Cancer Moonshot from a research and drug discovery standpoint are sound, but the overarching framework lacks a critical keystone. Let me explain. Our continued approach to cancer as a ‘war’ is misguided. Our

Rise: Consumer Demand Drives the Future of Integrative Medicine

I haven’t been blogging much lately because I’ve been working on a powerful new e-book along with my sometimes co-conspirator, Taylor Walsh. The publication is called The Rise of Integrative Health and Medicine: The Milestones—1963 to Present. It features over 120 of the most significant accomplishments in the field during the past 50 years. ‘Rise’, as we have nicknamed the project, features a brilliant introduction by industry historian and Integrator

The Tipping Point: Integrative Health as the Standard of Care

The second decade of the 21st century will be recognized as the tipping point beyond which integrative health and medicine became the standard of care in the United States. The inexorable momentum achieved during the last five years has propelled the movement to the gates of conventional care. The gates have opened. Integrative health and medicine have walked right in and taken their rightful place. The adoption of a multitude

Integrative Healthcare: Value Ready in 2016?

The advances made across the archipelago of integrative health and medicine disciplines in 2015 continue to be significant. If not yet a “movement,” the practices continue their inexorable flow into the established precincts of medicine, wellness, and prevention. And they are likely to find more adoption in 2016. Here are a few to watch. Integrative Health in Employer Care and Wellness Plans During 2015, Mark Bertolini, chief executive officer (CEO)

Ruth Westreich Sponsors John Weeks’ The Integrator Blog: Why it Matters

This news largely flew under the radar. It shouldn’t have. Weeks’ steadfast publication of The Integrator Blog has been enormously helpful to the integrative health and medicine field for many years. Several years ago when I was planning the launch of FON, and ‘going to school’ on the emerging field of integrative health and medicine, I discovered the work of John Weeks and The Integrator. At the time, no outlet

Dr. Mark Hyman Assists Congressman Tim Ryan with Enrich Act—to Force Nutrition Education in Medical School

A note reached the Integrator via integrative cardiologist Mimi Guarneri, MD from author and functional medicine advocate Mark Hyman, MD. “I need your help on something,” wrote Hyman. “I have helped Congressman Tim Ryan introduce the ENRICH ACT into Congress to fund nutrition education in medical school! We need to get as many signatures on the petition now to get this passed!” The petition is here. A supportive article from

Dr. Don Berwick’s Institute for Health Improvement Promotes New Delivery Principles “Beyond The Triple Aim”

The most progressive forces in U.S. medicine have signed on and are promoting a new strategy for medicine and health in the United States. In a recent issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association, Institute for Health Improvement co-founder and former Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services administrator Don Berwick, MD published Change from the Inside Out: Healthcare Leaders Taking the Helm. They declare a set of eight

image of PBS-series-on-Cancer cover

An Integrative Oncology Patient’s Thoughts on ‘Cancer: Emperor of All Maladies’

As a 24-year cancer survivor I watched Cancer: Emperor of all Maladies with mixed emotions. From this patient’s perspective, the film is all about the ‘tumor’ and treats the host, aka the patient, as almost an irrelevant, disconnected entity. Ken Burns is the preeminent documentarian of our time. His own mother succumbed to metastatic breast cancer when he was only 11. His latest work, Cancer, produced by Barak Goodman and