A Patient’s Perspective on the Atlantic’s “The Triumph of New Age Medicine”

My course with cancer included a six-year clinical remission, made possible by the evidence-based, integrative oncology protocol I follow today. This clinical (not pathological) remission followed an acute event with a coombs positive hemolytic anemia, night sweats and a low-grade fever that persisted for weeks. Western diagnostics, including genetic and molecular labs and assays are incredibly accurate and continue to evolve. Every medical system has limitations; when it comes to

H.R. 3590 & Executive Order 13544–Integrative Medicine Game Changers?

House Resolution 3590, aka the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), and House Resolution 4872, aka the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act, combined to create the monumental healthcare reform law of 2010. Executive Order 13544, a requirement under H.R. 3590, established the Advisory Group on Prevention, Health Promotion, and Integrative and Public Health. Over time this executive order may profoundly change our healthcare delivery model. In fact, it

The Economic Potential of Integrative Medicine

With a growing list of integrative medicine and integrative oncology centers and clinics in the U.S., and a recent report from Nutrition Business Journal stating that consumption of natural products and integrative medicine services is projected to reach $50B annually—those on the outside looking in would assume that it’s an exciting and lucrative time to be an integrative practitioner. Well, yes and no. A combination of consumer demand, clinical outcomes

HHS Shuns Congressional Intent on ACA’s Practitioner Non-Discrimination Language

In an April 24, 2015 e-mail made available to the Integrator by Mike Jawer of the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians (AANP), the US. Department of Health and Human Services effectively told those following “non-discrimination in health care” (Section 2706) that HHS will not, anytime soon, abide by the law. The background, captured in this article, relates to Section 2706 Non-Discrimination in Health Care of the Affordable Care Act. More

The Absurd Economics of Nutrition and Exercise

It’s fair to say that, to a large extent, America has long fostered a culture and environment conducive to physical inactivity and nutritional-based disease. With today’s prevailing science clearly showing that teaching and practicing lifestyle medicine significantly decreases the top chronic health conditions plaguing society—i.e., diabetes, obesity, heart disease and certain cancers—moving more firmly in this healthier, logical direction would subsequently trigger a vast increase in human productivity and output,

Dietary Supplements: Harmful or Essential? Cutting Through the Unrelenting Rhetoric

What a firestorm! Ever since Dr. Paul Offit’s book, “Do you Believe in Magic: The Sense and Nonsense of Alternative Medicine” was released last summer, there’s been a burst of new negative dietary supplement study results and position papers. Editorials, featuring provocative headlines such as: Enough is Enough: Stop Wasting Money on Vitamin and Mineral Supplements and Don’t Take Your Vitamins, have been published in prominent medical journals and major

Disruptive Functional Medicine Innovation Drives Value-Based Future at Cleveland Clinic

Christensen, one of the nation’s leading authorities on disruptive innovation in business, wrote those words at a time after the early forces of healthcare disruption had started coalescing, around 2000. He would not have recognized them at that time because they were not dependent upon the technological advances he often cites as the basis for successful disruption. Rather they were, and remain, disruptive in how patients can be most beneficially