The Pebble in the Pond: How Integrative Leadership Can Bring About Transformation

The ascent of integrative health is moving apace. The hit-or-miss presence of yoga or massage that might be found in a hospital during the last 15 years has evolved into what looks like transformative, existential investments by serious centers of American healthcare. [FON thanks the Bravewell Collaborative for the rights to distribute “The Pebble in the Pond: How Integrative Leadership Can Bring About Transformation.” Access the 44-page paper.] When the

Preventive Medicine as a Viable Financial Model

Prevention remains the only magic bullet ‘cure’ for most malignancies and chronic disease. It’s where we’re headed. The conundrum for providers lies in delivering the most effective services with sufficient profit margin. I consider the new healthcare law ‘ACA 1.0’ and, thankfully, version 2.0 is just around the (cost curve) bend. Hopefully we are getting closer with current incentives in place rewarding health outcomes via patient-centered medical homes, accountable care

An Open Letter to My Friend, John Weeks: By NCCAM’s Josephine Briggs

An open letter to my friend, John Weeks: You will remember six years ago blogging about my appointment as Director of NCCAM to your readers: “Oops, they did it again.” Your post made it clear that you did not hold out much hope for me—or indeed for the overall NIH investment in complementary and alternative medicine. It was not an auspicious beginning. I will admit I was a bit daunted.

Patients are Consumers: Ignoring this Fact is Futile

In a recent Medscape editorial, noted bioethicist Art Caplan, PhD remarked on a published commentary by Hastings scholars in Health Affairs titled ‘Patient-Centered Care, Yes; Patients As Consumers, No’. Medscape followed up on the assertions in the published commentary by polling its physician and nurse readers for feedback—results strongly evidenced agreement from those over 55 years old. Caplan, a renowned and influential bioethicist whose work I highly respect, especially in

Joe Biden’s So-Far Missed Opportunity to Impact Cancer

Given former vice president Joe Biden is currently atop the polls of democratic hopefuls in the hunt for the 2020 nomination, the announcement that the Biden Cancer Initiative (BCI) suspended operations—after a mere two years of existence—was no real surprise. According to bioethicist Arthur Caplan, it needed to shutter because a “Biden administration would give favorable treatment for anyone who supported his foundation in the past.” Let’s dig in and

Integrative Health Prescription for 2018 w-text

Integrative Health Prescription for 2018

Though 2017 is closing with a booming stock market that equals wealth for the U.S., the subject of health [care] for our population will not end quite as positively. In addition to rising insurance costs and deductibles, the U.S. population is dealing with deep-seated confusion and anxiety over tax reform law that takes coverage away from millions, and threatens medicine. We live within a broken system with few incentives to

Integrative Health’s Place in Medical School Curricula

The Academic Consortium of Integrative Medicine & Health has grown to over 70 members comprising leading academic institutions, hospitals, and health systems. Its members are actively involved in clinical services, research, and educational programming specific to the field of integrative health and medicine. Is there any doubt that medical school curricula will follow this same trajectory? It’s actually been happening for some time, but only recently thrust into the news

When Alternative Cancer Care Kills

If given a cancer diagnosis, we each ultimately determine whom to trust to manage our care. We are in control of how we research, consider, and source treatment options, and the best path toward long-term survival. Though there can be geographical access issues, financial considerations, and legal limitations to weigh, the choices are largely ours to make. For some folks, closely-held faith-based or spiritual beliefs influence the type of care

Politics and Birthing an Industry: All Rise

It comes as no surprise that many of us in the integrative health and medicine community feel somewhat anxious after the contentious, divisive, and ugly presidential election process. Since politics have always affected the speed of adoption of new policies that serve the greater good of ‘population health’, it has never been more important to remain proactive and diligent in advancing our collective goals. It’s important to realize that control