

Rise: Consumer Demand Drives the Future of Integrative Medicine

I haven’t been blogging much lately because I’ve been working on a powerful new e-book along with my sometimes co-conspirator, Taylor Walsh. The publication is called The Rise of Integrative Health and Medicine: The Milestones—1963 to Present. It features over 120 of the most significant accomplishments in the field during the past 50 years. ‘Rise’, as we have nicknamed the project, features a brilliant introduction by industry historian and Integrator

Telemedicine Legal Series—Part 7: Unlicensed Practice, Fee-Splitting, & Other Legal Hazards

While we’ve focused this series on legal issues that frequently arise in telemedicine and telehealth, there are sister legal issues involved when healthcare practitioners and healthcare tech companies get involved. These and other critical legal hazards that routinely arise include: Unlicensed Practice of Medicine Unlicensed and corporate practice of medicine issues arise in telemedicine because the company offering telemedicine services is typically organized and operated by non-medical doctors. This means

Telemedicine Legal Series—Part 6: Mobile Medical Apps

When medicine is practiced through an app installed on a mobile device, do different rules apply? How does the law regulate telemedicine via the app, and the app itself? Mobile Apps as a Telemedicine Platform In one sense, mobile apps are simply another platform for the delivery of telemedicine services. That is, instead of doctors and other healthcare providers connecting with patients via the Internet on a desktop or laptop,


How to Use Persuasion to Engage Integrative Medicine Customers

When it comes to persuasion, Greek philosopher Aristotle set the gold standard in 350 BCE. Aristotle’s modes of persuasion have stood the test of time, and can be applied to various aspects of your communication efforts today to best engage patients, clients, and prospects. Whether you are creating a talk, essay, or website content, Aristotle’s signature approach remains authentic and powerfully effective, even some 2,000 years later. Aristotle’s rhetorical savvy

Telemedicine Legal Series—Part 3: E-Prescribing

The law handles telemedicine prescription differently than diagnosing and treating remotely. How can you best comply? Prescribing is Different Than Other Treatment This is a tricky thing about telemedicine law; you need to read the statutes carefully and see whether they say something specific about “prescribing,” as opposed to “diagnosis” and “treatment.” Normally, state laws and/or medical board regulations are tougher on remote prescribing because of the abuses associated with

essential integrative health, image of a rocket coming from a computer, graphic.

11 Essentials for Your Integrative Medicine Business Plan

Every new integrative health and medicine enterprise and organization should have a well-researched and well-written business plan. In this post I walk you through the key elements of a business plan, and the essentials on which to focus, based on your approach to financing. But first, how are you funding your startup or expansion? Your primary options are investors, bank loans, or self-funding. Let’s take a look.

Why I Write—and Why You Should, Too

I’ve written more in the last five years than the previous two decades combined. This body of work, for FON, exceeds 150 posts on this blog, scores of articles for other outlets, three e-books, and one very personal memoir. In my previous career—publisher of a consumer magazine—I contributed a whopping two articles over 25 years; and they needed a lot of cleaning up. But that was okay, I didn’t fancy

7 SEO Myths & Their Effect on Your Integrative Health Brand

Search engine optimization (SEO) remains critical to driving traffic to your website to engage prospective patients and clients. However, fast-paced technology may have overtaken you. Your current efforts may be for naught, mistakenly based on outdated practices. Over the last few years much has changed in terms of the algorithms Google uses to reward or penalize sites. If you’re not staying on top of this stuff, you’re likely falling short

Facing Huge Demand, Cleveland Clinic Doubles Its Functional Medicine Center

Pictured left to right: Drs. Patrick Hanaway, Mark Hyman and Jeffrey Bland. The Cleveland Clinic’s Center for Functional Medicine (CFM) will be doubling its physical size and patient care capacities in the coming year, to meet what medical director, Dr. Patrick Hanaway, characterizes as “unbelievable pent up demand for this kind of care.” Since opening in late 2014, CFM practitioners have handled nearly 5,300 total appointments, quickly reaching maximum capacity.