

Becoming an Integrative Health Thought Leader: Part 6—Monitoring + Promoting Your Brand

Protecting and promoting your personal brand, to better your position as a thought leader, is critical. It requires proactivity, with ongoing monitoring of your good name and reputation—you must always have your ear to the ground. Essentially, to ensure your information and content is in all the right places you need to employ the most appropriate tools to efficiently and consistently get the job done. As the old saw goes,

Becoming an Integrative Health Thought Leader: Part 5—Media

For 25 years I ran a family-owned media company located in the Washington, DC metropolitan area. We published print magazines, produced conferences, and developed and managed websites for our media brands and clients. The media landscape has changed dramatically since I sold my company in 2009. The decline of print advertising has led to massive consolidation, downsizing, and bankruptcies. Profound changes in how media is consumed, distributed, shared, and purchased

Becoming an Integrative Health Thought Leader: Part 4—Content Strategy

Establishing thought leadership is not very complex once you’ve built a solid platform from which to operate. Once you have identified your personal brand, created a powerful baseline platform, and differentiated the unique niche in which to position yourself professionally, the next step is content creation and its distribution. For centuries, medical practitioners and scientific thought leaders have used various forms of content to establish and extend their positions. The

Becoming an Integrative Health Thought Leader: Part 3—Unique Positioning

Now that we have identified and examined the core elements for creating your integrative health personal brand and platform, it’s time to take the next step to differentiate your unique position and value proposition. Your niche is the space into which you must direct your expertise with laser-like focus to break through the clutter of consumer (or medical professional) information overload. Find Your Niche to ‘Own’ Your Unique Positioning Are

Becoming an Integrative Health Thought Leader: Part 2—Branding + Platform

When most people think about a brand, they think about a name and a logo. While these labels and graphics that establish your ‘look and feel’ are important, a personal brand—when thoughtfully developed—encompasses considerably more. Your personal brand is who you are, representing your life, work, and purpose, therefore it ultimately influences all those around you—essentially your personal brand impacts how others feel. Candid and comprehensive answers to these often

Becoming an Integrative Health Thought Leader: Part 1—Introduction

Many professionals within the vibrant integrative health space possess masterful clinical abilities, significant scientific subject-matter expertise, and entrepreneurial business savvy. However, too few have consistently leveraged their significant attributes in the effort to become true thought leaders—key opinion leaders—in the field. Does this describe you? Over the years I’ve had the opportunity to work with a number of organizations and individuals within the integrative health and medicine community to develop,

Integrative Health: Names, Nomenclature, Trends—Where We Are Headed

In 2012, I wrote a piece describing the integrative health community as being one camp comprising many tents. The article discussed the various sub-groups within the field, including: integrative medicine, functional medicine, holistic medicine, restorative medicine, and lifestyle medicine. I posited then, with numerous ‘tents’ falling under the integrative health camp, that newbie (integrative) health consumers often have difficulty clearly differentiating between numerous names and the nomenclature, thus creating a

Ruth Westreich Sponsors John Weeks’ The Integrator Blog: Why it Matters

This news largely flew under the radar. It shouldn’t have. Weeks’ steadfast publication of The Integrator Blog has been enormously helpful to the integrative health and medicine field for many years. Several years ago when I was planning the launch of FON, and ‘going to school’ on the emerging field of integrative health and medicine, I discovered the work of John Weeks and The Integrator. At the time, no outlet

Improving the Health of the Integrative Health Enterprise

My recent posts on why integrative and functional medicine practices often fail, and how to go about mastering a ‘sales funnel’ to build patient volume, elicited a lot of positive feedback—as much as any articles I’ve written over the last few years. Could this be because more folks within the integrative health community are recognizing that integrative clinical prowess that is not equally matched to persistent business acumen does not