Telemedicine Legal Series—Part 1: Practice Issues

What is the difference between telehealth and telemedicine, and simply delivering educational tools online? Can practitioners offer webinars and other online health informational services without being subject to laws governing both the practice of medicine and other healthcare professions? Dealing with Antiquated Laws and Modern Corrections Healthcare providers who move beyond a brick-and-mortar physical practice often find themselves in a legal gray zone, wondering whether they are compliant, or even

Telemedicine Legal Series—Part 2: Licensing Issues

Because telehealth and telemedicine often involve practice across state lines, healthcare practitioners must understand the state laws which allow practice in situations where the healthcare provider is licensed in his or her own state (but not the patient’s). Note: there’s another version of telemedicine that involves a medical doctor in the same state, providing services remotely to underserved populations. This isn’t where the licensing issues arise. In this Series, particularly

7-Part Telemedicine Legal Series—Introduction

Healthcare providers everywhere are looking to expand from a brick-and-mortar practice to one that includes online and mobile patient services. Does this describe you? Broadly speaking, we call online and mobile health ‘telehealth’ or ‘telemedicine’. To keep things understandable, we’ll use these terms interchangeably, unless we’re referencing a specific rule of law that defines the term and applies particular requirements to its practice. The types of clinicians who want to

Why I Write—and Why You Should, Too

I’ve written more in the last five years than the previous two decades combined. This body of work, for FON, exceeds 150 posts on this blog, scores of articles for other outlets, three e-books, and one very personal memoir. In my previous career—publisher of a consumer magazine—I contributed a whopping two articles over 25 years; and they needed a lot of cleaning up. But that was okay, I didn’t fancy

7 SEO Myths & Their Effect on Your Integrative Health Brand

Search engine optimization (SEO) remains critical to driving traffic to your website to engage prospective patients and clients. However, fast-paced technology may have overtaken you. Your current efforts may be for naught, mistakenly based on outdated practices. Over the last few years much has changed in terms of the algorithms Google uses to reward or penalize sites. If you’re not staying on top of this stuff, you’re likely falling short