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An Integrative Oncology Patient’s Thoughts on ‘Cancer: Emperor of All Maladies’

As a 24-year cancer survivor I watched Cancer: Emperor of all Maladies with mixed emotions. From this patient’s perspective, the film is all about the ‘tumor’ and treats the host, aka the patient, as almost an irrelevant, disconnected entity. Ken Burns is the preeminent documentarian of our time. His own mother succumbed to metastatic breast cancer when he was only 11. His latest work, Cancer, produced by Barak Goodman and

Do Online Coupons for Integrative Medicine Services Violate Stark and Fee-Splitting Laws?

Many integrative practitioners and online enterprises want to know whether Stark, anti-kickback, and fee-splitting laws are violated by business arrangements that offer online coupons or web-based coupons to customers. Let’s break this question down a bit for analysis. First, Stark self-referral law is on the federal level. We are only interested in federal law if Medicare Medicaid (Medi-Cal in California) or another federally funded health care reimbursement program is involved.

Cleveland Clinic’s Center for Functional Medicine: A Test Kitchen for Healthcare’s Future

From the outside, there’s nothing about the Cleveland Clinic’s new Center for Functional Medicine that suggests a healthcare revolution in the making. Tucked away in a compact suite in the vast Miller Family Pavilion, the Center shares the same minimalist aesthetic, and no-nonsense atmosphere as the rest of the world-renowned hospital system. There are no curved walls, Zen fountains, or essential oil diffusers. In appearance, the Center for Functional Medicine

Grow Your ‘List’ to Grow Your Integrative Health Business

Whether you run an integrative or functional medicine practice, or market other services or products related to the field, building an email subscriber list is critical to the health of your organization. The Gold is in The List Growing your ‘list’ grows your integrative health business because no digital marketing strategy provides a higher return on investment than email marketing. It is the most direct and effective method to actively