Guide to Using Video to Grow your Integrative Medicine Practice

Consumers are looking for useful, relevant information about their medical conditions. In fact, 80 percent of Internet users, or about 93 million Americans, have searched for a health-related topic online. However, not everyone has time to spend hours poring through lots of content to gain subject matter knowledge. This is why the trend in video consumption is growing exponentially. Let’s take a look. Why video? Gaining Attention from Health Consumers

Integrative Medicine: Solution to Primary Care Crisis?

Reading the striking 80-plus-page report, Meeting the Nation’s Primary Care Needs, led by Dr. Michael S. Goldstein from UCLA’s Center for Health Policy Research and John Weeks, executive director of Academic Consortium for Complementary and Alternative Health Care (ACCAHC), made clear to me that the tipping point for integrative medicine as the standard of care is nearing. The Goldstein/Weeks report, published by ACCAHC, is responsive to innovative care structures emphasized