How to maximize readership of your blog content

Once your new blog strategy is up and running, you are on your way to creating interesting, relevant content around your center’s (brand’s) integrative medicine mission. Creating great content is an important start, but now you’re ready for your content to be read more widely. Essential Reading Brody Dorland wrote an excellent post for the Content Marketing Institute called 12 Things to Do After You’ve Written a New Blog Post.

Creating a Sustainable Blog Strategy for Your Integrative Center

In my last post I discussed why it’s so important for providers of integrative medicine services to create a smart, sustainable blog strategy. Surprisingly, the majority of integrative centers today do not maintain a blog. And those who do rarely have a proper, long term plan to maintain and develop a body of useful, “owned” content. Or they once had a blog—the idea sounded good at the time, posts were